Sunday, March 18, 2012

Assignment Instructions

Hi all my 6th graders!!

Today's assignment will be on Science, particularly weather. You will be broken up into pairs and assigned a type of storm (e.g., hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or blizzard). You will research this type of storm using Google. Each group has to find the top 2 storms of their assigned storm in the world, collect 5-10 facts about that individual storm and look for a picture from that storm using Google Images. Students will then create a blog with a summary of their findings. Including all the information (facts), pictures, and maps (location of the storms) surrounding their type of Storm. Once completed post the blog.

External sites to help guide you in your research:
1. Earthquakes -
2. Hurricanes -
3. Tornadoes -
4. Blizzards -

Happy Researching! 
- Ms. Caroselli

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